Laura Roy Armistead (Ms. Laura)
Laura Roy Armistead (Ms. Laura) has served as the Housemother for Pi Kappa Phi since 2019. Laura is from Tupelo, Mississippi and graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She is the proud mother of four sons: Ethan (22), Dean (18), Whitman (16) and Louis (14). Before moving to Tuscaloosa Laura lived in London England, South Florida, and raised her family in Birmingham, AL. She has worked in education both as a teacher and an administrator. She has been a business owner , decorator, executive director, and floral designer, but counts "Mom" as her most important and fulfilling job!
Responsibilities & Duties:
Work with, advise, and assist the chapter officers to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning, healthy habits, and proper social behavior.
Frequently seek the advice and counsel of the Board and communicate with the Board on matters related to undergraduate member safety, behavior, and internal problems.
Coordinate with outside food service vendors for kitchen and meal provision.
Coordinate and communicate with the University on all inspections, documentation requirements, student residency matters, and other matters concerning the fraternity and its undergraduate members.
Operating within budget restrictions, manage and oversee all repairs and contractors, cleaning, decorating, special events, and visitors, and serve as the official host for the fraternity in events at the fraternity house and elsewhere.
Defend the potential of each member of Pi Kappa Phi, while respectfully providing guidance, advice, prayers and support.
Email Me: [email protected]